KITTIE: Title Of Upcoming Career-Spanning Documentary Revealed

March 3, 2016

Canadian all-female metal band KITTIE has set "Kittie: Origins/Evolutions" as the title of its upcoming career-spanning documentary. Director Rob McCallum states in a new Facebook video update (see below): "This is going to be somewhat of a two-part documentary. The first part will be 'Origins' and it will look at the first ten years of the band's history. And the second part will be 'Evolutions' and it will take a look at the second half of the band's history so far. So you can see the ten-and-ten split really kind of makes sense."

He added: "When we had the first cut done, it was about, I think, four hours long, of the whole thing. And I'm, like, 'There's no way that we can do this justice by squeezing it into a ninety-minute timeline.

"How long is the final each bit going to be for the film? That's still up in the air. We still have some shooting to do. But I would guess that each part on its own would probably be about eighty minutes… maybe seventy-eight to eighty-five… somewhere in there. I don't wanna handcuff myself to a certain time, because we're still really sorting out the dynamics and logistics of it."

The six-minute update also includes a clip from the rough cut of "Kittie: Origins/Evolutions" was in which former KITTIE guitarist Fallon Bowman discusses her introduction to the band, with commentary from the band's founding guitarist/vocalist Morgan Lander and drummer Mercedes Lander.

Morgan Lander told Songfacts about how the idea to do a documentary at this point came up: "The idea for the documentary has been in the works for the last couple of years. I believe we started to discuss it towards the end of 2013 and going into the beginning of 2014. Mercedes was really the one who pushed the idea and thought it was a really great way to celebrate our upcoming 20th anniversary, so we decided to plan and get everything together for that. Initially, we had reached out to a number of different people to try to have them direct. The documentary has actually changed hands over the last little while, but I'm really quite happy with the direction that Rob McCallum has brought it. We're really excited about everything. It's been in the works for a number of years, and only now starting to come to fruition. It's taken a long time, having to reach out to past members and get them on board to discuss things and negotiate and describe what the idea is. But it's all for a good cause. 20 years is a long time to say that you have done something that you love."

Asked if seeing some of the old footage inspired the band to work on new material, Morgan said: "It certainly has rekindled the love that we have had for the band, and reminded us how exciting of a time being in the band was — and still is. It's been a really interesting experience, looking back, and seeing all that footage, and being like, 'Wow! Did we really do all that? Did we really say that? Did we really go all these places?' Memory can only be stretched so far, and it just so happens that it's quite convenient that we did record a lot of stuff, too. So we're certainly jumping back into the KITTIE pool — I know that sounds ridiculous. [Laughs] And sort of getting our toes wet with toying with the idea of doing new music and perhaps a new album."

Pictured below: KITTIE 1996 - Present

From left to right: Talena Atfield, Fallon Bowman, Tanya Candler, Mercedes Lander, Morgan Lander, Tara McLeod, Trish Doan, Ivy Jenkins and Jennifer Arroyo


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